as the Protector of Life, provides sustenance
to people in due measure. In doing so, He applies
discretion to make some people rich and some poor
as He tests the generosity of the former and the
serviceability of the latter. Both the rich and
poor work hard to maximize fortune but under regulatory
system of God, their earnings differ. In order
to make this happen, Omnipotent God influences
the nation's macroeconomics system as He regulates
the string of business cycle ranging from prosperity
to recession/depression and vice versa. To combat
such business cycle problems, by means of trial
and error process economic theories evolve that
cannot always have unmixed success.
America applied the best economic science of the
time drawing advice from legendary economist Keynes
to combat the Great Depression of 1929 but success
to full recovery was long delayed until WWII (1939-45)
that created numerous jobs in the military. Economists
are still struggling to reach a consensus about
what helps an economy best with employment. Demand
side economists still think along Keynesian line
by advising the government to boost consumers
demand through enhanced spending program while
supply side economists want to provide incentives
to the suppliers or producers to produce more.
Despite best human efforts through such competing
economic theories to overhaul economy, God pulls
the string from behind the scene by directing
economy in His preferred direction, sometimes
disabling brilliant prescriptions of smart economists.
This is parallel to the example of advances of
medical science that always lag behind Divine
wisdom since at any point of time some diseases
always remain unconquered with mysterious status.