
  • Do you accept all kinds of donations?
    Due to logistics and costs, we can only consider accepting in-kind donations from institutional donors and manufacturers who deal primarily with in-kind goods as well as other NGOs. The cost to pack, ship, and distribute items from individual donors is typically greater than if they were purchased local to the area of crisis or from a neighboring country. The most effective way to help MIG aid those in need is through a financial contribution. We encourage our donors to support their local community by giving in-kind goods to local mosques or organizations in their area who are best able to distribute the items to those in need.
  • Can I use my donations as a tax deductions?
    We have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. Our tax ID number is 95-44xxxx. It is best to consult with your tax adviser to learn how you may be able to use your donation as a tax-deduction.
  • How can I besure my donation will go to the country/fund I have requested?
    MIG tracks contributions by various restrictions. The first restriction is usually by country. The second level of restriction is usually a project category such as education, emergency relief, food, orphans, etc. MIG records contributions according to donor specifications. As an example, if you specify Pakistan in the contribution, your donation would go toward our Bangladesh General Fund. However, it would not be limited to a specific project category unless you request otherwise (such as emergency relief, food, orphans, etc., as mentioned above). We ask our donors to indicate, such as by writing it on the check or money order, which country they would like their contribution to benefit.
  • How are donations to MIG spent?
    At MIG, we work hard to ensure that every penny is spent in the most effective way possible because we are accountable to our donors, to people in need all around the world, and most importantly, we are accountable to Allah (SWT). Check out our most recent financial reports.