Islamic Thoughts

In Good Deeds


The proverb matches squarely with the story of hare and tortoise in which slow-paced tortoise, through steady movement, outraced the swift-footed hare moving irregularly. The same proverb also applies to performing good actions in Islam. In explaining this, let us deal with 2 key words: Slow and Steady.

Slow: Islam often considers slowness to ensure quality of action as a better virtue than otherwise. Hastiness on other hand is responsible for problems like poor judgment, inadequate preparation etc. that contribute to lower quality of actions. The Quran condemns hasty human nature (21:37), often with reference to the infidels who hastened to see the Dooms Day. The Prophet also saw the importance of slowness needed for proper performance of good actions.

For example, he advised against rushing to mosque congregation so fast that makes you tired and inattentive to prayer. In applied sense, slowness, however, does not mean a slow start of a good action. Rather you should start doing good deeds at your earliest such as performing prayer within prime time, or clearing hajj or zakat liability soon after becoming due. But once you get started with them, you should not hurry up; rather you should go slowly and carefully in order to stay focused and follow proper methods for performing them. So "start promptly, and finish slowly" is the right advice.

Steady: A successful performer of good actions also requires steadiness or continuity in practice. The Prophet insisted on regular maintenance of good deeds even if at the lower level. For example, if you like to practice some optional prayers, you should settle on a comfortable level (say 2 or 4 units) that you can steadily practice every day.

Otherwise, if you pray 20 units of optional prayers one day and next day you pray nothing, then you may be a victim of Satan as it will frequently try to change your decision without any set standard and will rob of your mental peace. In another example, if you pray excessively in the fasting month of Ramadan and very little in other 11 months, then that is invariably worse than maintaining your prayers at modest level around the year.