Islamic Thoughts

Why Physical Fitness Matters For The Muslims?


Good health can make the Muslims more relevant for Islam. It is a defective idea that an ideal Muslim should be deliberately weak and indifferent in worldly matters for better interest in the Afterlife. Even though naturally handicapped and weak persons deserve sympathy and social care, the rest of the Muslim society can substantially benefit from good health for the following:

(i) God willing, better health care can contribute to your longer life which you can use as a field for cultivating more good deeds.

(ii) Physical fitness is needed to properly perform majority of Muslim obligations including praying 5 times a day, fasting for the whole Ramadan month, rigorous rituals of pilgrimage etc.

(iii) Spiritual development is also linked with physical wellness. If you are in sound health, then you can concentrate on meditating about God's Universe, you can feel enthusiasm about religious activities and so on.

(iv) If you are in good physical frame, you can better handle physically challenging deeds like volunteering for digging grave, help carrying a patient to hospital, protect an orphan from oppression etc.