Islamic Thoughts

In Old Age, All Roads Lead To Death.


The Quran reveals a clear picture of the life cycle that truly reflects the progress of your life from birth to death. You are born as weak and helpless and at youthful adult age you are strong and capable enough to do many things. When you go past this mid-point of your life, you become older at faster pace with every passing day, comparable to the sun that dives steeply before setting. At this stage you start showing signs of decline in your physical and mental capacity.

Your body cells start dying, your bone becomes thinner that tends to break, you lose teeth one by one forever, you hair starts graying, your skin wrinkles, you feel weaker, pains progressively conquer your various body parts, frequency of your sickness intensifies, your vision and hearing power get poor, you start forgetting things and so on. All these are generic developments as exceptions apply to particular cases. Sometimes, you also may try for protections from such natural developments. For example, you may have plastic surgery to heal wrinkles, use color to conceal graying, take steroid or multivitamins to regain strength, you may check up your blood to combat diabetes or cholesterol and make no delay to have procedure if heart or other parts go wrong etc.

Sometimes, you also reshape your cultures such as calling yourself "80 years young" at 80th birthday, you do not like to hear the word "death", you prefer to say "I am not feeling well" instead of "I am sick" and the like. In spite of all these, you are on irreversible journey to death which may be little delayed (subject to God's approval) thanks to your healthcare or prayer for long life. But the death must come at a time appointed by God, in the wake of all prior conditions that are created favorable for that. Finally He sends an incurable deadly disease like cancer, stroke or heart attack etc. to overpower your all attempts to survive and deal a final blow to your life. In order to gain salvation after such unstoppable death, you should therefore spend your lifetime in a way recommended by God.