Islamic Thoughts

Is God The Same One For All Religions?


The answer is 'yes' for the believers in one God known as monotheism. God introduced the process of sending religions on the back of numerous prophets starting with Adam and ending with Mohammad. The prophets were mostly sequential in time order and sometimes they were simultaneous too as in case of Abraham and Lut or Moses and Aaron and so on.

But the Identity of God as the One remains same, His introduction of these prophets in different holy books marks no difference. He sent down these holy books (e.g. Torah, Bible and Quran) through the same carrier namely Angel Gabriel. These books revealed moral and ethical laws against vices like murder, adultery, theft, lying etc. that are basically similar. These books describe the facts of the past (e.g. story of Adam and Eve, Noah's Arc, Abraham's sacrifice etc.) and of the future (e.g. Doom's Day, Paradise and Hell etc.) that show similarity of astonishing proportion. Based on these facts, you can easily conclude that the God is One and the same One for all religions and all people will finally return to Him with accountability for their actions.