Islam for Non-Muslims

Conversion to Islam: Problems & Prospects


Introduction: Islam has a great deal of attractive features and beautiful provisions that promise massive conversion of the non-Muslims to this faith. However, the road to that goal is full of bumps and blocks. Now we try to outline these problems along with proposed solutions.

(1) Adverse Propaganda: The networks of adverse propaganda machine active to undermine Islam reach out to almost everywhere. The competitive strength of Islam in the global religious community has encouraged activists from opposite camps to spread misinformation about Islam in order to hold their existing ground. You have no reasons to be misguided by these distortions of facts spread through social media. With a measure of fairness in mind, you can easily figure out that these misinformation are either baseless or are explainable with a strong defense. This, however, requires you to gain Islamic knowledge mainly from the Quran and authentic Hadith for fact-checking of the propaganda info that flies around. The question may arise: Why would you use the Quran as a standard for comparison? This is because of its authenticity that has been tested through time, as it does not have any history of purposive revisions and therefore mismatch with any historical facts.

(2) Fears of Extremism: Islam is often attacked on ground of extremism or even terrorism practiced by some so-called Muslims. Islam does neither have any sympathy for them nor any support for their actions, despite their occasional claim of acting against injustice done to them.  They do not represent Islam as they comprise only a tiny fraction of Muslims with deviation from pure brand Islam. The mainstream Muslims of the Prophet’s brand follow a centrist course, navigating between rigid extremism and unethical liberalism. They show a desirable adaptation to the world around while not giving up the basics of Islam. The Prophet, for example, was a meticulous observant of personal prayers and at the same time he went to the extent of even allowing non-Muslim guests to pray in his mosque. The fear of Muslim extremism is obviously over-blown and should not play a role in keeping you from Islam for too long. Don’t forget that almost every community including yours may resemble Islam by having a share of fundamentalist or orthodox group. If you embrace Islam, you will have option to belong to the mainstream moderates with a distance from the extremists and the fear of extremism will thus prove irrelevant.

(3) Clarification of Confusions: As you open up your mind to the prospect of choosing a right religion, your mind may inch toward Islam away from your old religion. Still you may have lots of questions and confusions which need to be clarified through systematic reading of the Quran, six authentic Hadith (the Prophet’s tradition) and other quality Islamic books including this book (“Islam for Non-Muslims: Beauties of Islam in Quran”). On top, you also can “seek aid in religion” from Muslim scholars by way of consultation (8:72). All these may bring contentment in your heart for embracing Islam. Otherwise, if you accept Islam before clear understanding about it, the risk is real that you may go back from Islam creating a very bad example.

(4) Consequences for Change of Religion: Quitting former religion may bring you face to face to numerous challenges. First, your mind may not be convinced of giving up your old religion, as you always considered it a valuable find from your respected ancestors and you had long been used to its cultures.  However, it does not make any sense to make your inherited religion your life long companion, given ‘0’ chance for your salvation amidst God’s warning “They found their fathers on the wrong path” (37:69). People are prone to changing jobs, addresses etc. for betterment of life and you will be more than justified in doing the same about religion as that will have boundless significance for impacting your future entirely and eternally.

Second, your conversion may bring social and economic consequences.  In worst cases, you may lose the membership of your family as well as any needed financial help from them. The broader society around your family attached to your former religion may also look down upon you for your conversion.  Nevertheless, these are some possible risks that are worth taking and you should not read too much into these fears.

(5) Dealing with Post-Conversion Problems:
From above you can get some ideas of problems that might result from breaking with your parental religion. The Muslim society has some built-in provisions directed toward maximum possible solution of your problems.  First, Islam preserves a dignified social status for those who would sacrifice past opportunities for the sake of Islam. This will be in step with the tradition of the warm and hospitable treatment of the Muslim converts and Muslim migrants from Mecca by the Prophet and his associates based in Medina.  To address your any financial problems consequent upon your conversion, Islam entitles you to a share in spending from compulsory charity named ‘zakat’, in addition to optional ones. However, the most important reward for entering Islam is the divine promise that “their (all) past sins would be forgiven, if they desist (from unbelief)” (8:38) and thereby replacing your potential sufferings with precious salvation.

(6) Performing Rituals for Conversion:
  Coming to the fold of Islam is probably much easier than you might think.  If you are convinced at heart about Islam and become decided in mind to embrace it, then you simply need to walk to a nearby mosque or approach a Muslim group, seeking help of an Imam or a Muslim scholar to administer the conversion formality. The core entry point ritual is pronouncing the oath of ‘shahada’ meaning (along with belief) that “There is no deity except God and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is His Messenger” to the witness of at least 2 Muslims.  Then will follow your practices of Islam that will integrate you in the Muslim society. In rare cases when externality of your Muslim faith poses real danger to your life, you are allowed to limit the knowledge about your Islamic identity within your intimate circle.  The Prophet did pretty much similar thing while he was in Mecca before migration.

It appears from the above that conversion to Islam as a quality religion is not only a rational undertaking but it is also doable with relative ease by clearing past all accompanying hurdles.