Introduction: This article aims to answer the questions of Who the real creator of this universe is and Why, How and When He did create it. This is particularly important given the presence of confusing theories about these matters in the scientific world.
(1) On When & How Questions about Creation: Science & Islam on the Same Page.
(i) Scientific Theory on ‘Big Bang’: Scientists in general agree on the Big Bang theory on how the universe was created, even though they disagree on the details. According to this theory, about 14 billion years ago, the universe was created through a natural event involving a big explosion named ‘Big Bang’. This theory recognizes the universe as a finite entity as it did not exist before this event but it came into being thereafter with the command of God “Be” (36:82). What happened at this event was that suddenly from an unimaginably condensed entity, the universe (comprising of numerous galaxies) suddenly started expanding non-stop in all directions, at an astronomical speed. This led to the creation of the universe along with time and space. However, there was neither any destructive explosion nor the loudest deafening bang sound as the title ‘Big Bang’ suggests. Our earth belonging to the solar family under the Milky Way galaxy (like one of the billions of its kind) was also created as a microscopic entity in the universe.
(ii) Quranic View: The Quran is silent on the question of When as it does not say exactly when this universe was created. It is now part of “the mystery of the heavens and the earth” known only to God (16: 77). Thus, the Quran neither confirms nor rejects the age (about14 billion years) given by modern science. Thus, the Quran has no clear contrast with modern science in this regard. Nevertheless, since the real age of the universe is exclusively a matter of divine knowledge, no human beings including any scientists are ever in a position to know that with 100% accuracy.
When it comes to the question of How the universe was created, science shows remarkable likeness with the Quranic version. It revealed long before the era of Scientific Revolution that “the heavens and the earth were joined together, then (God) split them apart” (21:30). On the smoky condition at the formative stage, it tells of the universe “when it was smoke” (41:11). The finding of the Hubble telescope regarding the ever-expanding nature of our universe is compatible with the Quranic assertion about amazing “Vastness of the Space” (51:47). It is thus apparent that science confirms the facts given by the Quran, as the two sources match up remarkably on the basics of how the universe was created.
(2) On Who & Why Questions: Science & Islam Are at Odds:
The Notion of Science: (i) ‘Unknown’ Creator: Even if science and Islam see eye to eye on How question and do not collide on When question, they are poles apart on the questions of Who and Why regarding creation of the universe. The mainstream scientists agree that the universe came into being out of nothing. They, however, do not give any clear answer as to Who created the universe by causing the Bing Bang, leading to the process of tireless expansion of the universe. On the question of the Creator, they come up with answer of know-nothingness as the creation process took place ‘out of nowhere for reasons unknown’. This ‘Unknown Natural Creator’ theory misses the point is that there must be a creator behind creation of anything. They would, however, not give the name of God as Creator either for their lack of belief or due to ignorance or arrogance. However, not all of them are alike as their rank also includes some believing scientific geniuses like Newton, Ptolemy etc. but apparently they are in the minority.
In fact, there is no wisdom in keeping God outside any explanation of creativity. It is quite logical that an accident always breaks and never makes. Why do we see things differently for the Big Bang? If this event happened as one-time accident without God’s roles, and such accident only brought everything in good shape and established well-maintained order in the universe without any accidental collision ever among the heavenly bodies, then what type of accident was this? Can you not call this an ‘intelligent design’ of God? What problem do you have to recognize Him?
(ii) ‘Nature’ Creator: There are some scientists who would not like to expose their ignorance. They, in response to the Who question, bypass the answer of God through invention of ‘Nature’ or ‘Mother Nature’ as the creator. On being asked, they would define Nature as someone unknown with unlimited power or something powerful that can make things happen through natural process. In this way, they seek shelter of unknown natural force in order to avoid faith in more familiar real God.
Whereas the ‘Nature’ god had never been introduced through any reliable historical documents, the real God had always been a high-profile existence historically introduced through all reliable holy books and evidenced by His miraculous signs. In fact, whatever the non-believing scientists think their ‘Nature’ is doing as the creator is virtually done by the real God, for His roles are invariably expressed throughout the nature. For example, God undeniably plays creative roles behind the growth of plants, birth of animals etc. However, He plays by His longstanding policy of remaining unseen, but not necessarily unknown. The so-called nature is, therefore, like an outer clothing of real God. The above point boils down to the fact that the scientists recognize God (in the guise of nature) but not in His proper identity. This can be likened to example of a layman who mistakes gold for copper but only a goldsmith knows full well about what gold is.
(iii) Quranic View on Who & Why Questions: The Quran, keeping up the tradition of other holy books, made loud proclamations with numerous repetitions coupled with details of creations that it is only God, no one else, is “the Creator of everything” in the universe (6:102). Historically, there had never been any challenge to His position as the Creator; instead this was authenticated by reliable theoretical or practical means. Thus the question of Who created the universe has clear and loud answer in the religious system.
The question of Why the universe was created is also plainly stated in the Quran. Everything in the universe has been created with a definite purpose of supporting God’s master creation, namely human beings “by subjecting (everything) to you (for your benefits) (45:13). The humans are in turn created for worshipping God through good deeds backed by faith. When the Dooms day will bring an end to this universe, everyone will face trial on the Judgment Day for actions on earth and accordingly they will be placed in the Heaven or Hell. The above purpose behind God’s creation as uttered in unified voice in all divine Books may be summed up in the quote “Our Lord! You have not created (all) these for nothing. Glory to You! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire” (3:191). You may not get the answer to the question of Why the universe was created from the scientists in general, as they are not able to read God’s mind without believing Him.
Conclusion: There is no any reasonable doubt that the universe was purposively created through intelligent design of God. That is why, the universe has always been disciplined, without any occurrence of accident and it will remain so until the Dooms Day.