Introduction: The Muslims are blessed and fortunate for being the followers of Islam, the “chosen” religion of God (5:3). However, as a Muslim, your prosperity in this life and salvation in the Afterlife will depend on the quality your faith and deeds (40:40). In fact, all human beings are created to have faith in God and practice all good things He told you to. All these religious mandates can be summed up in the above 3-point Model of Performance that completes everything you are supposed to do religiously. Now we present this 3-point Model based on the Quran and Hadith that should guide you to become a truly good Muslim.
Three-Point Model of Performance (Tree): (1) Faith: The first point or condition is Faith which, metaphorically speaking, is like a “root” of “a goodly tree” that “produces the fruits” of good deeds as inspired by Faith (14:24/25). In other words, if you have proper faith in God and His system, then you would feel obligated or inspired to do good deeds that fall under 2 categories: personal and social good deeds. Your faith also can help your good deeds by intending them for divine pleasure, necessary for making them fruitful. Otherwise, your actions will go nowhere if you intend for false gods.
(2) Personal Level Do’s & Don’ts: You must always be particular about clearing off your personal level compulsory obligations including the Five Pillars. Likewise, you are obligated to abstain from 5 major types of sins namely (i) Unbelief (Atheism) (ii) Partnership sins (iii) Human Rights Abuses (iv) Illegal Income & Food and (v) Sexual Obscenity (Adultery & Homosexuality).
(3) Social Level Do’s & Don’ts: After taking care of your personal Do’s and Don’ts, you must do your level best to perform your social Do’s (Promotion of Virtues) like preaching of Islam (dawah) and delivering good advice or pursuing positive efforts for promoting Islam in the society. Side by side, you are required to try your level best for uprooting social injustices or Don’ts (Prevention of Vices) by using from amongst 3 approved methods: oral protest, physical resistance and mental hatred etc.
The above 3-point Model sums up the total framework of faith and dual category of Muslim performance: pro-active Do’s and preventive Don’ts at both personal and social levels. These are thoroughly described in this book (“Islam for Muslims: Duties of Muslims in Quran”) based on the Quran and authentic Hadith.
Importance of Enforcing the Above Model: If you want to be a good Muslim conforming to God’s standard, you cannot take any short cut by skipping any of the above 3 factors in the Model. Even if this means hard work, patience and sacrifice, God wants you to embrace that life by entering Islam completely. There is no alternative to this for gaining nearness to God in any other forms like your birth of pious or saintly parents, on a holy Friday or in the sacred land of Mecca and so on.
If you follow the above model of Islamic life agreeable to God, there cannot be any more barriers to your placement in the never-ending, happiest place of the Paradise. Otherwise, miseries and misfortunes may be your regular companions for ever and are likely to end never. On top of that, here on earth, your failure to observe personal level compulsory Do’s and abstain from most obnoxious Don’ts may introduce you to a painful world of personal sufferings like sickness, depression, job loss, accident etc.
Likewise, if you fall behind your social obligations like promotion of virtues (dawah) and prevention (resistance) of vices, then you may be part of collective punishments like war, famine, plague, tyranny, foreign domination etc. which are featured by the shortage of surrounding friendly helps, unlike personal sufferings. By contrast, if you collectively comply with the social level (#3) obligation of the above 3-Point Model, you can have easier access to communal blessings.
Conclusion: It is therefore overly important that you try your level best to follow Islam completely and perfectly in order to be a good Muslim.